All consultations are made by appointment. Please phone 6496 3322 to make your appointment. Please let the reception staff know if you require urgent attention, or if you need additional time for your consultation. If you are unable to obtain an appointment with your GP of choice we will advise you of other GP's availability.
Accidents and emergencies take precedence over routine appointments. Should it be necessary for an urgent case to be seen before your scheduled appointment, please be patient.
If you are a regular patient of the Clinic and you require urgent attention outside of surgery hours, one of our doctors is on 24-hour call. Please phone the surgery on 6496 3322 and you will be instructed on how to contact the on-call GP.
In an emergency, please call 000. Alternatively, proceed directly to South East Regional Hospital, Bega for emergency care. You can also contact Health Direct for advice and information on 1800 022 222.
Home visits can be arranged for regular patients of our Clinic who are unable to attend the Clinic due to medical reasons. Please speak to reception.
Dr Kallinen is fluent in Finnish, Swedish, Spanish and German, he also speaks a little Indonesian and Japanese. Our practice can also provide access to a translating and interpreter service if required.
You can contact your doctor during surgery hours by telephone. However, a message will generally be taken if the Doctor is with a patient. Urgent calls will be attended to immediately. We prefer not to communicate through email as security and confidentiality cannot be guaranteed.
Repeat prescriptions are not routinely issued without a consultation except in emergency situations. A review is generally required when a further prescription is necessary.
Your Doctor will advise you when they expect your results to arrive at the practice. Please follow up your results and call the Clinic to arrange a suitable time, as required, to discuss these results.
Curalo Medical Clinic is committed to preventative health care. Your Doctor will seek permission for you to be included on our reminder system. We may issue you with a reminder notice, SMS or phone call from time to time offering you preventative health services appropriate to your care. Please advise us if you do not wish to be included in this initiative.
We are committed to providing health care for the entire family from birth onwards.
We provide a comprehensive service to local and interstate companies. Spirometry, drug testing and audiology are available by appointment. Please enquire with reception.
Curalo Medical Clinic is an approved Yellow Fever Centre.
We also supply a large range of travel vaccines. Please contact reception to make an appointment and enquire as to the cost of these vaccines.
Curalo Medical Clinic is committed to the management and education of those with chronic diseases. We also offer health assessments to help in the prevention and detection of these diseases.
Our General Practitioners have a special interest in the detection and management of skin cancers. Please enquire with reception if you would like to know more about having an annual skin cancer check up.
Services that regularly visit our Clinic are
Please ask reception if you would like more information regarding these visiting clinicians.
Receive a Medicare rebate of $39.75 (approximately 15 minutes or less).
On a valid current card
Receive a Medicare rebate of $76.95 ( more than 20 minutes).
Bulk billing can be negotiated according to need. Please speak to your GP or reception staff.
Cost to transfer patient notes to another practice is $30 per patient file.
Fees for other medical services e.g. travel vaccinations, workplace medicals etc. are available from reception.
We accept and welcome Veterans Affairs cards.
If you are having problems paying your account, please discuss this with your Doctor.
Curalo Medical Clinic is online with Medicare Australia. If payment is made in full on the day, we can request that your rebate be directly credited to your Eftpos account.
We are committed to giving sufficient information about the purpose, importance, benefit, risks and possible costs associated with proposed investigations, referrals or treatments to enable our patients to make informed decisions about their health.
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